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Sep 27, 2022 Paul O'Hanlon

Finding the right Hub and Spoke model for you.

Hub and spoke dispensing can offer many benefits for pharmacy, but to realise them fully it is crucial to put in place the right model, workflow and solution for your own business. Centred Solutions Managing Director, Paul O'Hanlon takes a closer look.

No one pharmacy group is ever the same, so a one-size fits all approach is never going to work.

A well-designed hub and spoke solution will help you exceed the needs of patients while simultaneously delivering efficiencies both in terms of time and money, providing a return on investment, enabling business growth and service excellence. A badly designed hub model will do the opposite, resulting in a drain on already over-stretched resources and poor patient experience. The wrong solution will be a waste of money at best and will end up costing you money at worst.

That’s why it is so important to explore your options and speak with hub and spoke technology specialists before you embark on your journey. All too often the perception is that there is only one model for hub and spoke. You only need to take a look at the Department of Health impact assessment to see that, but it’s simply not the case. You might be surprised to find out that there is actually a range of accessible and affordable options available for small to medium sized pharmacy groups.

At Centred Solutions we strongly believe in identifying the right solution for you to ensure you can quickly achieve the return on investment and realisation of benefits you are seeking. Whether that is a scalable solution option that can grow as you grow or a fully automated warehouse, we can help. All FLOWRx products have been designed to support anyone from a standalone pharmacy to a group with over 200 branches or more.

We’re already working with a number of early adopters who are all using different variations of our FLOWRx solution. Because they all have different needs, we’ve been able to work with these pharmacy groups and adapt our solution to best suit them and their requirements.

Because we are experts in this field, we’ve developed a way to quickly start identifying what could be the right workflow for your business. We then work closely with you to fully understand your business and goals so we can develop the finer details and ensure you are starting off your hub and spoke journey on the right foot.

Finding the right solution is only the start of it. For optimum results you’ll need a technology partner that is committed to your success as much as you are. It’s not just about confirming the operating model from the offset, we’ll also be by your side to help you drive adoption and optimise your hub once live for maximum results and maximum acceptance among staff.

If you’re interested in finding out more and would like to get an idea on which products would suit you best, then visit us at this year’s Pharmacy Show on stand B50. If you can’t wait until then, why not use our calculator to discover what could be the best solution for you. Discover the future of your pharmacy in under five minutes.

Published by Paul O'Hanlon September 27, 2022
Paul O'Hanlon